
I’m Meg Linen, and I write words people actually want to read.

Live from the stage/my workspace

*hits blunt*
Wait. What do people actually want to read?

In just one day, we’ll read emails, text messages, our aunt’s Facebook post, news headlines, a Buzzfeed quiz to find out which Disney Princess you are, Meg Linen’s super weird bio, #hashtags, more emails, that recipe you definitely aren’t going to make, memes — oh goodness so many memes, two pages of that book you should finish before you give up and browse Netflix show descriptions instead.

But do we want to read all that shit? Most of it sucks. It’s not well written. It has no point. It’s mind numbing. And we all realize it.

It takes a lot of empathy, honesty, and a dash of humor to be a good writer these days. And I think it’s because people don’t want to hear the same ol’ superficial shit anymore. They want to have a conversation. To see what you’re about. To make some connections and feel all the feels before our time on this weird spinning space rock comes to an end.

So if you want to make work that people want to engage with, then let’s get real and take some chances together.




All works © copyright Meg Linen (or respected affiliates/companies). Do not reproduce without written consent, but feel free to share. :)